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A web server is software to make accessible to many computers (clients) of web pages stored on disk. This fact sheet explains how to install the Apache web server on a UNIX system (typically a Linux distribution such as Red Hat, Mandrake or any other).

This is why some knowledge about Linux or UNIX is ​​necessary. The purpose of this record is going to be being able to recover the sources of different necessary elements and to compile them (a C compiler is necessary, it is usually installed by default on most Linux distributions) in order to have a system operational.

The following installation includes installation of the PHP interpreter, a programming language for creating dynamic pages.
Let’s get started by downloading necessary Packages (Apache and PHP).

Apache sources can be downloaded from the https://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi

PHP may be downloaded on the site http://php.net/downloads.php

I will not show you how to download it because it is pretty easy ^_^
After downloading Packages we got 2 files: php-7.0.5.tar.bz2 and httpd-2.4.20.tar.gz (You may get other names that related with version you had downloaded).

Decompress the archives by typing the following commands on your Terminal:
tar -xvjf php-7.0.5.tar.bz2
tar -zxvf httpd-2.4.20.tar.gz

Now let’s do a small configuration for Apache and PHP just type the following commands:
cd httpd-2.4.20
./configure --prefix=/www

cd ../php-7.0.5

./configure --with-mysql --with-apache=../apache_1.3.x --enable-track-vars

Let’s move to installation steps:

We are in php-7.0.5 folder, right? Now let’s get started: Type the following in your terminal

make install

Wait it until finish, and move to apache folder 

cd httpd-2.4.20
./configure --prefix=/www --activate-module=src/modules/php3/libphp3.a 


make install

To link to this step, you can also copy the httpd binary again generated and overwrite the old. Remember in this case to restart your web server.
Next we need to modify PHP3.ini file, you can read more about this file .

 cd ../php-7.0.5
 cp php3.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php3.ini
Edit your httpd.conf or srm.conf file and add this line:

AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3 

Now let’s restart our server by typing the following commands=:
systemctl restart httpd
Or you can stop it and start it again
systemctl stop httpd
systemctl start httpd
Or you can use apachectl stop and apachectl start

Now and after install is finished let us Test, if it is working well:
To verify it lets move to the root folder of Apache which is /var/www and create a simple PHP File:
<head><title>PHP Infos</title></head>  


Save it as MyLinuxyTricks.php

Now let’s check it:
Open up your browser and type one of the following:

http://IpAddressOfYourServer/MyLinuxyTricks.php (eg:

If you got a page like this that mean it is working well, else try to verify your installation:

 That's it!
Thank you For visiting us on our Blog. Enjoy other Articles and Happy to see you here!

There are two commands to stop and start and restart a service on Linux sytems which are the followings: service and systemctl

A web server is software to make accessible to many computers (clients) of web pages stored on disk. This fact sheet explains how to install the Apache web server on a UNIX system (typically a Linux distribution such as Red Hat, Mandrake or any other).

This is why some knowledge about Linux or UNIX is necessary. The purpose of this record is going to be being able to recover the sources of different necessary elements and to compile them (a C compiler is necessary, it is usually installed by default on most Linux distributions) in order to have a system operational. 

Let’s download The Apache Package; we need to go to the following link:

We got the following Interface:

Now we just choose which version we want to download and we download it by clicking on the format that we want to download as. Or just type on your terminal the following command to get the latest version:
 wget http://www-eu.apache.org/dist//httpd/httpd-2.4.20.tar.gz
After Download had finished we can found the Apache package on our Downloads Directory.
After downloading it, we got a file named httpd-2.4.x.tar.gz
We need to decompress the archive by the Command:
tar zxvf httpd-2.4.x.tar.gz
The x is the third part of the version ( Latest Stable version is 2.4.20, released 11/04/2016 ).

After this, we can progress to the installation,
Without Blabla.., Lets Start:

First thing you need to open the daemon.conf file which is located in /etc/gdm3/ folder:

gedit  /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf

look for [daemon] section and  un-comment the 2 lines for automatic login. It should finally look like this:

# Enabling automatic login  

AutomaticLoginEnable = true  
AutomaticLogin = root 
You can change the root by the name of the user you want to enable the Autologin for:
AutomaticLogin = user_you_want_to_enable_autologin_for

Now just reboot your Computer and Enjoy it.
That's is, Thanks for visiting our Blog, Back again.
Tor is free software for enabling anonymous communication. The name is an acronym derived from the original software project name The Onion Router. Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer network consisting of more than six thousand relays to conceal a user's location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis.

Tor is already available in Linux repositories, to install it directly from the repository just open the terminal and type the following Command:
apt-get install tor

 Now you need to Enable Tor service:

service tor start

That's it, to launch  Tor please type the following command in the Terminal:

 And wait until it connect to their servers..

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To fix sound mute in Kali Linux on boot, please follow those steps:

Oracle VM VirtualBox (formerly Sun VirtualBox, Sun xVM VirtualBox and Innotek VirtualBox) is a hypervisor for x86 computers from Oracle Corporation. Innotek GmbH first developed the product before a Sun Microsystems acquisition in 2008. Oracle has continued development since 2010.

This applies to any distribution using Gnome 3.

Sometimes you need to copy a command line from a Web Page which very long to remember and  write and run it in your terminal.

In this article I will show you how to Copy and Paste Text into the Linux Terminal..

Let's Start,

Copy from Terminal:

There are three ways to copy from terminal

 For example we need to copy the output of the command :
cat /etc/*release

1st way: Using the Right button of mouse :

Highlight the Text on the TERMINAL >> Right Click with the Mouse >> Copy 

2nd way: Using shortcut :

Highlight the Text on the TERMINAL >> press Ctrl + Shift + C from keyboard

3rd way: Using shortcut :

Highlight the Text on the TERMINAL >> press Ctrl + Insert from keyboard

Past Into Terminal:
There are two ways to copy from terminal

1st way: Using the Right button of mouse :

On the TERMINAL >> Right Click with the Mouse >> Past

 2nd way: Using shortcut :

 On the TERMINAL >> press Ctrl + Shift + V from keyboard

That's it..!
If you’re using Linux as your desktop operating system, you probably are very aware of what version you are running, but what if you need to connect to somebody’s server and do some work? 

It’s really useful to know exactly what you are dealing with, and luckily it’s also pretty easy.

Okey, First Open the Terminal.

See the Pretty Linux Version

Type this command:
# cat /etc/issue

I use Fedora 22 this is why i got this outcome: This will give you output like the following
  Fedora release 22 (Twenty Two)

 If you want more informations you can use the following command:
# cat /etc/*release
 This will give you output like the following :

See the Kernel Version:

 The version of the distribution you are running is actually a completely different thing than the version of the Linux kernel.

# uname -r

This will give you output like the following,  as you see I got, this is  my Kernel version.

First thing you need to do is "Open The Terminal":

My Linux Tricks
MyLinuxTricks's a Blog That intersted in Linux Operating Systems and it try to share some tricks with visitors, and Help who needs help..