A web server is software to make accessible to many computers (clients) of web pages stored on disk. This fact sheet explains how to install the Apache web server on a UNIX system (typically a Linux distribution such as Red Hat, Mandrake or any other).
This is why some knowledge about Linux or UNIX is necessary. The purpose of this record is going to be being able to recover the sources of different necessary elements and to compile them (a C compiler is necessary, it is usually installed by default on most Linux distributions) in order to have a system operational.
The following installation includes installation of the PHP interpreter, a programming language for creating dynamic pages.
Let’s get started by downloading necessary Packages (Apache
and PHP).
Apache sources can be downloaded from the https://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi
PHP may be downloaded on the site http://php.net/downloads.php
I will not show you how to download it because it is pretty
easy ^_^
After downloading Packages we got 2 files: php-7.0.5.tar.bz2
and httpd-2.4.20.tar.gz (You may get other names that related with version you
had downloaded).
Decompress the archives by typing the following commands on your
tar -xvjf php-7.0.5.tar.bz2tar -zxvf httpd-2.4.20.tar.gz
Now let’s do a small configuration for Apache and PHP just
type the following commands:
cd httpd-2.4.20
./configure --prefix=/www
cd ../php-7.0.5
./configure --with-mysql --with-apache=../apache_1.3.x --enable-track-vars
Let’s move
to installation steps:
We are in php-7.0.5
folder, right? Now let’s get started: Type the following in your terminal
make install
Wait it
until finish, and move to apache folder
cd httpd-2.4.20./configure --prefix=/www --activate-module=src/modules/php3/libphp3.a
make make install
To link to this step, you can also copy the httpd binary
again generated and overwrite the old. Remember in this case to restart your
web server.
cd ../php-7.0.5cp php3.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php3.ini
Edit your httpd.conf or srm.conf file and add this line:
application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
Now let’s
restart our server by typing the following commands=:
systemctl restart httpd
Or you can
stop it and start it again
systemctl stop httpdsystemctl start httpd
Or you can
use apachectl stop and apachectl
Now and
after install is finished let us Test, if it is working well:
To verify
it lets move to the root folder of Apache which is /var/www and create a simple
PHP File:
<html> <head><title>PHP Infos</title></head> <body> <?phpphpinfo();
Save it as MyLinuxyTricks.php
let’s check it:
Open up
your browser and type one of the following:
http://IpAddressOfYourServer/MyLinuxyTricks.php (eg:
If you got
a page like this that mean it is working well, else try to verify your
That's it!
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